How to Install & Use SugarYield Mobile App?

Hedge or speculate on the risk of pegged assets (Stable Coins). ®
4 min readJan 29, 2023

In this guide, we will walk you through the utilization of our new app and highlight some of the functions available to our users. Enjoy your favorite DeFi protocol without leaving SugarYield platform.

SugarYield is finally live on Play Store for Android users! Now you can enjoy all sugar yield utilites of your choice within your mobile phone. This is a very important step for SugarYield project to become the most powerful crypto Super App.

1). Download & Install SugarYield App

2). Install SugarYield app from play store (android users)

3). Connect Metamask Wallet within SugarYield App

4). Check you BNB & Sugar Token Balance

5). If you have insufficient balance buy Sugar from pancakeswap
(Not live on pcs yet)

6). Select desire vault, Caramel or Saltish. Every Epoch for 7 days where you have 2 days for deposit and remaining 5 days for price strike.

7). After locking your bnb on caramel or saltish vault you will get cSugar or sSugar recpectively, that can be later used for farms to get high APR upto 5160% in the form of Sugar tokens.

8). Once you have staked your cSugar/sSugar tokens you can claim your reward after 7 days or Epoch ends.

9). Once the Epoch End there are two cases
a) Price Remain Same (No change)
Caramel funds transfer to saltish vault and saltish vault funds transfer to caramel vault and distribute among all holders according to their investment ratio.
b) Price Trigger (Change)
If the price trigger Caramel Funds transfer to Saltish vault. Saltish Vault investors will get all funds based on their investment ratio. While Caramel users will get zero vault reward but they still elible for farms APR reward.

Note: This is our very first release of mobile app, our team is working on it and fix all errors and improve user experience. We appreciate your valuable feedback.

For more details please visit our youtube channel and review how to use mobile app.

About SugarYield is a (DeFi) platform offering a wide range of financial services, including, Hedge or speculate on the risk of pegged assets AKA Stablecoins. These products provide robust hedging and speculation opportunities for market participants. Initially sugaryield introduced two vaults.

Breaking down the Sugar

The Pre-diabetes vault is further divided into two different vaults, that represents the buying and selling of Insurance. In simpler words, that represents your stance in the trade. The two vaults that you will be coming across are

  • Caramel Vault: represents hedging against a particular pegged asset
  • Saltish Vault: represents selling of insurance, (Pro-risk) position

Caramel Vault

Users that want to hedge against volatility in pegged assets would put their money in the Caramel vaults. Their deposit serves as an insurance premium, entitling them to a pro-rata portion of the Saltish vault deposits in the case of a depeg. Users can enjoy upto 4598% APR in sugar tokens for a week if the stable coin price trigger.

Saltish Vault

Users desiring exposure to the depeg risk market would deposit in the Saltish (Pro-Risk) vaults, serving as a depeg insurance underwriter. Depositors receive a pro-rata cut of the premiums from Caramel vault deposits, so generating a market for Caramel (Hedge) vault depeg protection. Users can enjoy upto 5160% APR in sugar tokens for a week if the stable coin does not change.

SugarYield FAQ’s

What happens if Caramel vault does not de-pegg

Caramel vault depositors transfer their paid up premiums to the Saltish vault depositors

What happens if Saltish vault does de-pegg

  • Caramel vault depositors transfer their paid up premiums to the Saltish vault depositors
  • Caramel vault depositors receives a share of Saltish vault depositors

What happens if Saltish vault does not de-pegg

Saltish vault depositors receive a share from the Caramel deposits

What happens if Saltish vault does de-pegg

  • Saltish vault depositors receive a share from the Caramel deposits
  • Saltish vault depositors transfer their funds to the Caramel deposits

What is Post-diabetes

Post-diabetes is a secondary marketplace built atop the tokenized vaults of Pre-diabetes. Because collateral is locked up throughout the vault cycle, this secondary market enables real-time position entry and exit using an order accounting system.

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-- ® ®

Written by ® is a (DeFi) platform offering a wide range of financial services, including lending, borrowing, Hedge or speculate on the risk of pegged assets.

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